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The day I set off for training camp, my nerves were on edge as I finished packing the car. Before leaving, I returned to my room to take a moment to breathe. Gazing out my window, I spotted a butterfly—the first I had seen all summer. Then I glanced into the yard and saw another, and then another, all fluttering together with such grace and freedom. For the first time that day, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace, as if God were whispering, “You have come from the cocoon and are ready to fly. You are more than prepared. Do not worry.”

Now, a week has passed, and I can’t stop thinking about how right He was. When I arrived at training camp, we were introduced to our team and remarkable leaders. Immediately, I sensed the warmth and genuineness of these wonderful people. That very first day, our squad leaders told us they had been praying over each of us and that they had something special to give. They handed each of us a card with a word and a drawing. As I opened mine, my eyes welled up with tears. It depicted a bird with music notes and the words “True Worshiper.” If you know me, you understand how deeply that resonates; the spirit of worship is a defining force in my life. From my very first day with the team, I felt both seen and truly understood.

Seen & Known

Training to leave and immerse myself in countries and cultures vastly different from my own isn’t meant to be easy, and it certainly hasn’t been. Yet,God has equipped me with the tools I need to share His love and prepare myself for new horizons. He has also blessed me with a wonderful spiritual family with whom I can learn and grow—a community overflowing with encouragement, love, and support. Though I’ve known these people for only a week, I believe we have collectively discovered a new definition of home—a place filled with laughter, heartfelt tears, and endless opportunities to uplift one another.

We are now a week away from embarking on yet another journey. This coming weekend, we head to our host in Nicaragua. Please send prayers not only for me and my team but for our host in Nicaragua as well. My team and I are so excited and ready for the adventures ahead. I truly want to thank everyone who has prayed for me on this journey—it means so much. Thank you also for your generosity in donations; it has touched my heart and reminded me of the wonderful community I have. You have blessed me in so many ways, and I can’t wait to share more about my adventures with you. So, GET READY!

2 responses to “Training For An Adventure”

  1. Hi Bella,

    I love that the Lord used a songbird (as you are one) and a heart of True Worship. I pray that as you make friendships among your team, the adventure ahead will be filled with God’s treasures. As you will be the hands and feet of Jesus, serving the people in Nicaragua. Also, a hedge of protection be around you, the host family, and the team. May the heavens open for many miraculous encounters – salvations, healings and a release of Joy! Your feet have been prepared with the Gospel. You are bringing this great and wonderful news to those in need. Blessings, hugs and love sent to you. Love you, Bella Maryann

  2. What a precious time already. You are where you should be. May you continue to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit and grow in love and grace. I will be following closely and covering you in prayer as you go into all the world!

    Love you so much!!

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